Title Nusikaltimo auka ir jos viktimizacijos problemos /
Translation of Title Victim of Crime and Problems of Victimization.
Authors Maskoliūnaitė, Auksė
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Pages 75
Abstract [eng] Summary The purpose of Master’s Thesis is to tackle the problems of the crime victim and his or her victimization. This thesis includes a definition of crime victim, it’s victimologic characteristics, complex analysis of legislation, fine-tuning the legal status of crime victims, analysis of victimization and victimity, problems of victimization, possibilities of victimologic prevention protecting the interests of crime victims, in order to prevent a further victimization process. The goal of this Thesis – to make complex analysis of theoretical basis of crime victim, and determine the best and possible ways of solving the most tender victimization problems of the crime victims in a complex way. Legal status of crime victims, their social security is closely related to the active rules of law, their effective application, implementation of determined goals, quality of control of legal relations. As the new criminal law entered into force, the problems of crime victims are solved in both qualitatively and quantitatively more progressive legal and social means. De jure ensures the possibilities to the crime victim to equivalently participate in the process, receive necessary legal help and support, although de facto the legal status of crime victims did not significantly change, i.e. only minimal sufficient support is actually provided so far. This Thesis consists of three parts. The first part introduces the description of crime victim. It includes the description of crime victim, analysis of the rapport between the crime victim and casualty. With reference to the statistical data of victimologic research, crime and victimization in Lithuania is reviewed, with complex analysis of legal status of crime victims. The second part includes the analysis of factors impacting people to become crime victims, i.e. the question of victimization and victimity is analyzed. The fact everyone has some potential to become a crime victim in relevant circumstances must be highlighted. The third part includes the analysis of victimization problems, tackling the problems of private prosecution, interviews of crime victims, the questions of reproducible justice, i.e. discretionary rights of a victim or criminal to solve a conflict by means of reconsidering, damage indemnity to crime victims. The third part includes complex analysis of victimization problems, offering available solutions, priority tendencies of impact. The main concepts used in the Thesis: crime victim, victimization, victimity, mediation.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009