Title |
Staphylococcus aureus nešiojimo paplitimas ir rizikos veiksniai, atsparumo antimikrobinėms medžiagoms ir virulentiškumo veiksnių analizė / |
Translation of Title |
The prevalence and risk factors of Staphylococcus aureus carriage, analysis of antibiotic resistance and virulence factors. |
Authors |
Kirkliauskienė, Agnė |
Full Text |
Pages |
39 |
Keywords [eng] |
Staphylococcus aureus ; methicillin resistance ; Panton-Valentine leukocidin gene |
Abstract [eng] |
The dissertation investigates the S. aureus carriage cases in Vilnius adult population. The aim of the study – to determine the extent of S. aureus carriage of selected adult population and hospitalized patients in Vilnius and evaluate potential risk factors of its carriage as well as antimicrobial resistance of isolated strains and, prevailing genetic elements of the resistance and virulence. It was found that more S. aureus carriers detected in the community group than in hospitalized patients group. Greater isolated S. aureus strains resistance to antibiotics has been found in hospitalized patients group. Methicillin-resistant S. aureus were not isolated in the community group. Greater part of isolated S. aureus strains in community group was susceptible to all analyzed antimicrobial drugs. S. aureus strains resistant to erythromycin and clindamycin contained different genes in studied groups’: ermC dominated in community group, ermA – in hospitalized patients group. In terms of the incidence of tetracycline resistance genes in isolated S. aureus strains, tetK genes were dominant in MSSA and MRSA in both community and hospitalized patients groups. Our results demonstrate that PVL-positive S. aureus strains were more commonly isolated from community than from hospitalized patients group. 15% of spa types circulated in both studied groups. The spa types t4995 – t4999, t5001 – t5005 detected in this study were added into the Ridom StaphTypeTM database. Lithuania currently is listed as the only country where these spa types were detected. A statistically significant association was found between the S. aureus colonization in the upper respiratory tract and the group of risk factors, which included male gender, visits to outpatients’ clinics and living with family members who have chronic diseases. |
Type |
Summaries of doctoral thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2011 |