Title |
Development of the Late Glacial and Holocene forest vegetation in Lithuania, according to LRA (Landscape Reconstruction Algorithm) modelling data / |
Translation of Title |
Vėlyvojo ledynmečio ir holoceno miškų augalijos raida Lietuvoje LRA (Kraštovaizdžio atkūrimo algoritmo) modeliavimo duomenimis. |
Authors |
Balakauskas, Lauras |
Full Text |
Pages |
53 |
Keywords [eng] |
LRA ; pollen analysis ; Holocene ; Late Glacial ; modelling |
Abstract [eng] |
Most widely used applications of quantitative past vegetation reconstruction are based on pollen-vegetation relationship functions. To carry out detail vegetation reconstruction using this method, large amount of geographic data pre-processing is necessary. For this reason, large scale vegetation reconstructions are extremely rare. In this study data processing is carried out using automated GIS tools. Application of GIS enabled precise and detail reconstruction of the Late Glacial and Holocene forest vegetation composition, as well as the development of vegetation in Lithuania. New pollen investigations from cores and outcrops, created Lithuanian pollen database, evaluation of pollen-vegetation relationship functions in the environment of Lithuania and reconstruction of main tree species composition in the Late Glacial and Holocene, according to pollen database and selected pollen-vegetation relationship function are presented in this study. The created palaeovegetation maps enbled considerable detalization of knowledge about past vegetation in Lithuania. Consequently, main vegetation migration and distribution patterns were defined. |
Type |
Summaries of doctoral thesis |
Language |
English |
Publication date |
2012 |