Title “How do I find myself, become successful, financially independent and experience the joys of youth?” Experiences of quarter-life crisis among Lithuanian students /
Translation of Title „Kaip atrasti save, tapti sėkmingu, finansiškai nepriklausomu ir patirti jaunystę?“ Lietuvos studentų amžiaus ketvirčio krizės patirtys.
Authors Pivoriūtė, Milda
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Pages 48
Keywords [eng] quarter-life crisis ; emerging adulthood ; youth sociology
Abstract [eng] In this work, using the concepts of emerging adulthood and the quarter-life crisis, as well as 128 autobiographical narratives and 4 interviews, the experiences of Lithuanian students’ (studying mostly humanities and social sciences) quarter-life crisis have been analysed. In analysing the subjective perspectives of young people, the goal was to understand what, in the words of Bourdieu (1999: 629), "makes life painful or even unlivable" for young people? What "weight of the world" darkens their everyday life? What does this everyday life look like? What experiences of twenty-something youths lead them to feel like an "old pony in a young horse’s body", as one of the participants of this study expressed it? Are these experiences similar to those of young people in foreign countries? Do Lithuanian youths exhibit any particularities? What specific circumstances of our time might contribute to these experiences? The experiences of Lithuanian students' quarter-life crisis were extensively revealed through the four main objectives highlighted in their autobiographical narratives and interviews: to discover oneself, to become a successful, financially independent person, and to experience youth. Trying to achieve these goals, especially reconciling them with each other, raised many contradictions, dilemmas, tensions, and required compromises. Emerging adulthood is a complex period, where there can be a lot of mixed emotions, this is a time of high expectations, dreams, as well as great disappointments, and anxiety.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2024