Title Exploitation of a child for the pornography: legal criminal and criminological aspects /
Translation of Title Vaiko išnaudojimas pornografijai: baudžiamieji teisiniai ir kriminologiniai aspektai.
Authors Žėkas, Tautvydas
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Pages 42
Keywords [eng] child ; pornography ; exploitation of a child for the pornography
Abstract [eng] The problem of exploitation of a child for the pornography is analyzed in this dissertation through legal criminal and criminological aspects. First of all the concept of the criminal act of exploitation of a child for the pornography is revealed, the tendencies of its developing and understanding of this phenomenon in the society are discussed, suggestions about the most precise legal concept which describes this criminal act are proposed. On the basis of several criminological researches the extent of proliferation of exploitation of a child for the pornography is disclosed. The criminal responsibility for exploiting a child for the pornography is discussed while analyzing objective and subjective features of this criminal act in both legal enactments of foreign countries and national legislation. The lack of such a regulation is provided, concrete suggestions are proposed, also perspectives for improving this regulation are given in order to eliminate the shortages mentioned. According to the results of several criminological investigations the features of criminal personality are discovered. In this dissertation also the sanctions and other alternative measures which could tackle the exploitation of a child for the pornography and enabling the possibilities of resocialisation of the criminals are overlooked.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2011