Title Social change of modern Lithuanian territories /
Translation of Title Šiuolaikinės Lietuvos teritorijų socialinė raida.
Authors Šabanovas, Simonas
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Pages 45
Keywords [eng] Wallerstein theory ; modern social development ; modern Lithuanian territories
Abstract [eng] Wallerstein claims that there are three level states, which relate with each other, and this relation makes inequality. Those states are metropolises, colonies and quazi-states (Wallerstein, 2000). In modern world we can see this relation not only among states, but in other territorial levels as well. This Wallerstein approach can be used analysing changes in modern world. In this dissertation Wallerstein’s world system theory is applied to estimate a single country’s development change. This paper suggests modern social development characterising index system, which can be used in actual condition analysis and for prognosis of respective change. In the dissertation is given modern social development analysis in different territories of Lithuania (municipalities’ level). Data of the analysis (applying regression and cartographic evaluation) was used to create social development change forecast models. It helps to understand changes in these territories and to take measures in advance.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2016