Abstract [eng] |
The work presents theoretical conception and analysis of children’s with special educational needs satisfaction and pedagogues’ involvement into process of such children’s education. The hypothesis has been raised, that most of the teachers (both of junior, and senior classes) tend to involve in meeting the children’s special educational needs. Using methods of survey and interview a special investigation has been carried out with a purpose to examine the level of primary teachers’, discipline teachers’, as well as special educators’ involvement into the process of children’s with special educational needs development. 85 primary teachers, 85 discipline teachers, and 3 special educators participated in the investigation. The primary teachers’, discipline teachers’, and special educators attitudes towards pedagogues’ involvement in the children’s with special educational needs (SEN) development have been reviewed in the empirical part of the work. The following conclusions, drawn from the investigation, are the most important: 1. After literary analysis and examination of documents it has been disclosed that a pedagogue is obliged to provide every SEN child with assistance. However, there are several points that determine appropriate and effective pedagogues’ involvement in such children’s development, such as: acquaintance with documents, regulating special education; ability to recognise, analyse, and evaluate children’s SEN; ability to adapt to children’s different abilities and needs; effective educational organising and team work (involvement) with SEN children and their parents. 2. Regular educators are acquainted with pedagogue’s professional provisions, while the special education law is still little analysed, even though the number of SEN children, implemented in comprehensive schools, is increasing. Pursuing an effective education of such children requires an active pedagogues’ interest in special education, sufficient knowledge of relevant documents, desire and efforts to help the SEN children to overcome the challenges. 3. In a survey pedagogues argue that modified/adapted programs must be arranged along with specialists at schools, but in the most occasions they arrange them alone. In addition, special education committees provide with recommendations on SEN children, but they are insufficient for the pedagogues. They claim that constant consultations about work with such children are crucial, although SEN children’s results are evaluated as objectively as possible, every individual’s achievements are recognised and recorded. 4. The investigation showed that not all pedagogues can devote enough time to the SEN children, thus a work in the classroom tends to be more effective with a working special educator, or when the SEN child is at the specialist’s cabinet. In pedagogues’ opinion, school administration grant them with enough opportunities to advance with their qualification in special education. 5. Special educators, working at schools, claim that not all pedagogues tend to involve in the process of SEN children’s development. However, most of the teachers devote the most of their efforts to provide such children with all round assistance. School administration also plays major role in arrangements of special education at schools, and it urges its staff to advance their qualification in the relevant sphere. 6. Pedagogues’, that participated in the investigation, attitudes towards their involvement in the SEN children’s development are quite the same. They argue that junior pupils are more eager to visit the specialists at their cabinets, while senior pupils are more eager to perform in more various tasks. Teachers working with junior classes are more confident of their work with SEN children. Most of the pedagogues argue that specialists, pedagogues, and parents play equal roles in child’s development. Pedagogues requested rejection of modified programs arrangements. |