Title Personalo motyvacija ir motyvavimas /
Translation of Title Personnel motivation and motivating.
Authors Cvychas, Edvardas
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Pages 65
Abstract [eng] This article contains information about employee motivation, more exactly, about means of employee motivation. Motivation is an inner force that drives employee behaviour. In order to make employee work good, employer have to choose right means of motivation from big variety. All these means can be classified into two big groups: material and psychological. The most known material mean is salary. This mean is effective, but have a short-lasting effect. For this reason it is recommended to use more psychological means such as possibilities of career, prestige of an enterprise, good communication, attention and respect of employee. The selection of means should be made according to situation of enterprise, work specific and needs of employee. Motivation process has to be a partnership between employee and employer. The aim of investigation was to analyse motivation at work, to discover the influence of current motivation systems to overall work performance. The majority of the employees mostly women were chosen from AB „SEB bank“ operations department (100 persons), and investigated by these methods: a questionnaire and an interview. The questionnaire was anonymous and was sent by email.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009