Title Diplomatinio protokolo kaita ir jai įtaką darantys veiksniai /
Translation of Title Diplomatic protocol development and its most influential factors.
Authors Sueldo, Mariana
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Pages 76
Abstract [eng] ABSTRACT The developments in diplomatic protocol unquestionably reflect, as on a mirror, all the social, historical, economic, geopolitical and technological changes that through the passage of time take place in the life of any society. Revolutionary ideas can be considered some of the most influential factors affecting diplomatic protocol, as they sought a thorough transformation that would not leave a single sphere of life untouched, not even the way diplomats should interact. The frenetic pursuit of equality and refusal of aristocratic manners was the first though unsuccessful attempt to radically change diplomatic protocol. Interpersonal communication rules established by revolutionary force would later on turn back to previously set norms. Yet some innovations remained, at least in the revolutionary spirit that would always stir the minds of future generations to find new agents of change. The rapidly advancing logistics and telecommunication technologies led to an expansion of the diplomatic protocol arena, onto which more and more players can be seen entering from the most varied walks of life and professions. Communication amongst them has become more intense than ever before, and this has undoubtedly conditioned the need to simplify the rules of interpersonal communication. The smart pace of technological development has also made of mass media an active mediator, which does not only function as a communication channel, but has also taken the role of information gatherer, interpreter and presenter. Diplomatic protocol practice has undergone an extension in time as well, by this meaning that diplomatic communication actors take part in a never-ending communication process that has become an everyday life experience. This transformation into a daily- routine-matter has ultimately led to the simplification and reduction of protocol rules and a firsthand or direct interaction amongst international communication actors. Diplomatic protocol though simplified in terms of ceremonial and rituals as well as interpersonal communication, has nevertheless retained its significance as a an essential instrument for international communication. Nowadays it is not only diplomats and politicians who resort to this means, but also businessmen and ordinary citizens all over the world. Protocol rules still exist. However, heads of economically strong states have, so to speak, become the editors-in-chief of diplomatic protocol rules and can afford to make the most creative use of these norms. Whether they stick to them or break them, they have already set precedent of future performance and offered innovations for other players to choose from.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011