Abstract [eng] |
Master work introduce us to the software delevoping process. In short there are discussed every stage of this process: evaliuation, designing, programing and testing. Showing the problems that often repeats during the software developing process: huge amount of bugs and the metods how to prevent the software of them. In work there is viewing about most popular black box and white box testing strategies their pross and cons. Considering this there were made two schemas which can help tester to choose which testing algoritm he need to use in case to found as more bugs as it is posible. In master work there is talking about most popular bugtrackig and test case management software. Considering about their merits and demerits. As the final goal of master work there is information about bugs analysis system which can help and support software developing group by giving information to all needed questions: can the software be given to the user, hom many bug it has and so on. At the end of the work there is a short future vision how this bugs analysis system could be fitted into a real software developing process and how it can be inproved. |