Abstract [eng] |
The effect of noice to environment caused by shooting of antiaircraft cannons L70 and RBS-70 was investigated in an area located near village of Juodkrante. This study revealed that the level of noise which was caused by L70 is esunder limits of residential and recreation zones. According to results of research, scientific publications and data of visual observations, we found out that noise made of antiaircraft guns could not affect the migration of avifauna. Also it was established that noise made of L70 and RBS-70 could not have any negative influence to avifauna in places of hibernation which are located beside the coasts of Kursiu nerija. However, the boom produced during the military practice could have some negative effects to sitting birds near the training ground. Furthemore, it could cause some problems to holidaymakers situated on the north side of the beach of Juodkrante. Thus it is not recommended to do the military practice during the summer-season and breeding-time of aviflauna. Additionally, we ascertained that the level of noise caused by antiaircraft gun RBS-70 is lower in comparison to L70. Thus the negative influence of RBS-70 to environmental components could be lower than L70. |