Title Biudžetų modelių sudarymas ir taikymas formuojant bei išsaugant modernios organizacijos kultūrą /
Translation of Title Budget models formation and application in shaping and preserving the culture of modern organization.
Authors Kalčinskaitė, Rūta
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Pages 204
Keywords [eng] Management accounting ; budgets ; modern organization
Abstract [eng] Organization budgets and their models are often analyzed as a separate system that is not dependent on the processes ongoing in the social, technological, economic and other media or on types of organizations, in which the budget models are formed and applied. All of this force to note the indisputable implications of these changes on the budget model formation and application. The problems of budget model formation and application is linked to the transformations of strategic development. Therefore, when the business environment is undergoing certain changes, the principles of budget model formation and application must change as well to correspond to the current relevant issues of the business environment. Rationally created modern budget models that are adjusted to the organization types will allow the purposeful planning of activities and the efficient use of resources as well as optimization of organization’s expenses and increase of the received profits to its largest extent. Such budget model application will enable fast reaction to the changes in the market, which is of special relevance in business as it is the only way to acquire a leading advantage against competitors, which are using traditional budget models.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011