Abstract [eng] |
The Master‘s thesis analyses the coping strategies of young people with intelectual disabilities having gruaduated from vocational education and training institutions. The aim of the research is to reveal the dfficulties faced by young people with intelectual disabilities after their gruaduation from vocational education and training centers. In order to analyse the research problem in more detail, a quantitative research method has been chosen – the questionnaire survey of the people who interact with the young people with intelectual disabilities (social workers, administrative staff, family members and etc.). The quantitative reseach aims to disclose a more general provisions and prevailing trends. The data collected were analysed and classified according to distinct research objectives, from more general to more specific issues. 238 middle-aged respondents took part in the survey. The data were assessed by using SPSS programme software, wich is convenient for processing of the collected information and is designed for the work with the data, its analysis and assessing the relationship between variables. The data were processed by using SPSS 17 version and Microsoft Office Excel 2007. To check the hypothesis on the normality of the distribution the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test and Shapiro–Wilk test have been employed. Shapiro–Wilk test is recommended for small sample sizes, while Kolmogorov-Smirnov test – for large sample sizes. In addition, the advantage of Shapiro–Vilk test is that it provides the statistics on the qualitative assessment of the deviation of the variable from the normal distribution. |