Abstract [eng] |
Brand is a miscellaneous formation. More and more often we hear that a strong brand is an especially important tool in the competitive struggle. Specialists emphasize that investments to popularity of brand require significant time and efforts. It is imperative to analyze the market development tendencies of different products, for adequate understanding of processes that take place in various markets, and for preparation of quality-based brand strategies. Currently beer industry is one of the most profitable industries in Lithuania. Indeed, the current situation in beer industry is very favourable – modernized manufacture and expanded consumer market secure the positive business profit indicators and stability. Beer for many users is a well familiar product, but similarities in its functional features lay manufacturers under necessity to invent efficient strategies for their brand development and consolidation, and distinguishing it from competitors. This implies the analytic motivation of topic selection. While researching the basic work object – development and management of beer brands in Lithuania, the main goal of work is pursued – to analyse the Lithuanian beer market, and explain the ways of how the main message of beer brand and values affects its equity and competitive ability. The work envisages a hypothesis that lack of message congruency and distinctiveness often determine the reduction of beer brand competitive ability in Lithuania for substantiation of this hypothesis, the theoretical literature related to the brand meaning and basics of its development strategy was analysed; efforts were exerted for the analysis of factors influencing the brand equity; furthermore, analysis of consumers and Lithuanian beer market was carried out, and brand management problems along with their reasons were approached. Based on the descriptive – analytical method, Lithuanian beer market tendencies and their impact on beer brand development were analysed. The performed analysis implies that other types of alcohol and non-alcohol beverages pose a competitive risk for the beer category; therefore it is important to consolidate the positioning of beer category itself in subconscious mind of consumer. Results of consumer analysis indicate that beer “does not require occasions”, it is suitable “in all occasions”. On the other hand, beer is considered to be not an occasional drink but the one for daily consumption. It means that beer category in subconscious mind of consumers still lacks a clear and precise definition, and this is yet another argument for the statement that risk for competitive ability of beer category is real. Furthermore, it should be noted that the majority of indices of beer brand equities are low, with the exception of the brand of “Švyturys” umbrella brand. This is a typical feature of fragmented market. Beer brands resemble the brands with an “underdeveloped niche“. They strive to be noticed by certain specific segments. But lack of clear position and exceptional messages in consumer’s subconscious mind obstruct achievement of good results. It is also stated that success in competitive market is determined not only by regular utilisation of proper communication means, but also integrity of associations, values and information passed to them. |