Abstract [eng] |
Background: While the Lithuanian health service reform is being implemented, major attention of the public and of the scienctists is drawn to different health service organization, service quality aspects, which often are being evaluated by implementing polls of the patients. However also is important poll of the medical personnel about these questions regarding the real opinion of particular functional abilities of the system. Purpose of the work: to find out how medics of the Vilnius city treat current health supervision and the services by analyzing particular organizational aspect of the health service, considering specialization, workplace and probation of the medics. Methodology: in the way of the anonymous questionnaire 297 respondents have been questioned (medic doctors and caregivers), working at primary health service centres, stationeries and private institutions. For reaching the purpose and the goal of this survey quantitative instantaneous sociological survey was used. The questionnaire was compounded using questionnaire of public opinion and market survey company ,,Spinter tyrimai“ of year 2004 intended to find out how the medics treat restructurizing of the health service institutions and other problems. Processing of data and analysis was completed using statistical packet SPSS. Differences between appropriate rates are treated as reliable when likelihood of mistake is p ≤ 0,05. The programme figures this value automatically when finds connection between variables. χ2 static criterion is applied checking hypothesis of qualitative features connection. Also, seeking as high precision as possible and looking for causality between the variables, for calculating was used coefficient describing strength and direction of the statistical connection, Spearman correlation coefficient, which is measurement of variable associations for uneven variables. Results: Organization of the project totally or likely satisfy 48,8 % of Vilnius medical doctors and 40,9 % of caregivers. Organization of the work more satisfies medical personnel which is working in the private institutions (59%), less satisfies medics working at the primary health service centres (46,3%) and in the stationeries (36,1%). Salary completely doesn’t satisfy or likely doesn’t satisfy 70,2% of the Vilnius medical doctors and 70 % of the caregivers. Technical supply, material basis of the health service institutions totally likely or totally satisfy 52,6% of the medical doctors and 50,1% of the caregivers. The technical supply and material basis more satisfactory is medics working at the private institutions (83,6%) and is less satisfactory for the medics working at primary health service centres (58,5%) and stationeries (31%). Technical supply and material basis more satisfies medics, working 11 years and more. The health service institutions mostly lack premises, equipment, medicaments. As the main flaws of the health service system the medics indicated too low salary, too low financing of the health service system, assignment of solution of the social problems, too high number of patients. Conclusions: According to estimations of the medical doctors and the caregivers, the most problem of the health service system is lack of resources for the health services, low salaries. It is important to assign to Vilnius city and other bigger cities municipalities organization of surveys of medical workers related to evaluation of the health service system. The municipalities shall adopt organizational decisions based on results of these surveys regarding location of the institutions, assignments of recourses, etc. |