Title Lietuvos sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų darbuotojų požiūris į vakcinaciją /
Translation of Title Attitudes to vaccination of lithuanian health care workers.
Authors Beliauskienė, Rita
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Pages 130
Abstract [eng] Objective: To determine the Lithuanian health care institutions workers opinion about vaccination. Methods: In order to determine the Lithuanian health care institutions workers opinion about vaccination spread research was performed. Were polled 1693 respondents working in health care institutions. The data was analysed using SPSS computer program. There was used Pearson Chi-Square test and to check statistical reliability was choose the difference statistically insignificant 0,05. Results: Questionnaire date shows positive Lithuanian health care institutions workers opinion about vaccination. Even though only 54,8% of common practice physicians, 55,9% therapeutists and other specialists and 51,6% nurses were vaccinated themselves but they indicated that vaccination is more effective and less expensive than other medical service – 67,0% of common practice physicians, 69,1% therapeutists and other specialists and 60,3% nurses and that vaccination is more useful than harmful (84,9% of common practice physicians, 87,5% therapeutists and other specialists and 71,7% nurses). The major reason why the respondents are against vaccination, especially against influenza virus, is that they strengthen their health to protect themselves against virus (19,3% of common practice physicians, 18,9% therapeutists and other specialists and 15,8% nurses), never have flu (20,0% of common practice physicians, 17,0% therapeutists and other specialists and 15,2% nurses), and acquire natural immunity (22,2% of common practice physicians, 8,0% therapeutists and other specialists and 18,8% nurses). More than 80% of physicians and more than 70% nurses noted that it is recommended to vaccinate older than 65 years and old people, people with disability, residents of nursing-home, children of all age and people who are sick with chronic illness and more than 80% physicians and nurses - health care institutions workers. 66,4% of common practice physicians, 67,0% therapeutists and other specialists and 64,2% nurses indicated that they go to work even though they are sick with respiratory tract infections mainly because nobody can replace them at work (35,0%). Conclusion: Even though most of health care institutions workers general opinion about vaccination is positive but comparative the major part of respondents knowledge’s in vaccinology range are lack.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011