Title Išžaginimo ir seksualinio prievartavimo traktuotė Lietuvos ir kitų valstybių įstatymuose /
Translation of Title Rape and sexual assault,s approach of the legislative enacment of lithuania and other states.
Authors Papelytė, Inga
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Pages 74
Abstract [eng] This work analyses rape’s and sexual assault offences concepts, compositions, are disclosed similiarities and differentials. In the first section of work are discussed rape and sexual assault concepts according to the Lithuanian and foreign lows. Discussed aforementioned acts of the legal regulation in Lithuania. In these sections, are the most widely applicable historical and comparative methods. Other sections analyses rape’s and sexual assaults basic configurations, the objects of the subject mutter, the victim and objective party of crimes, subject and subjective party. Also revealed similarities and differences with foreign countries for the legal act regulation. This work analyses rape and sexual assaults qualificatory features. Also as the following features compared with other states regulations. Here are accented what aspects of analysed acts are same, what different.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010