Title Educational load and it's links with health among students of sixth and eighth grades in Lithuanian schools of general education /
Translation of Title Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų 6 ir 8 klasių mokinių mokymosi krūvis bei jo sąsaja su sveikata.
Authors Sketerskienė, Rita
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Pages 36
Keywords [eng] school ; students ; educational load ; health
Abstract [eng] Balance of educational load, keeping work and rest regime, are necessary conditions for normal mental and physical development of a child. Legal regulation of educational load is quite strict, however the results of international research showed that rather big part of 11–15 years old Lithuanian schoolchildren are pressured by schoolwork. The aim of the study is to indicate and to assess educational load and its link with health among students of sixth and eighth grades in Lithuanian schools of general education. Heretofore there were no research conducted in order to evaluate educational load among students of Lithuanian schools undertaking basic educational program (sixth and eight grades), in relation to the characteristics of Lithuanian education structure, types of school and language of teaching. This study analyses the characteristics of students’ learning according to this educational program, the reasons excessive educational load and the links with students’ health. The results of research show that excessive educational load is actual problem for Lithuanian schoolchildren of basic educational program (5–8 grades). Evaluating educational load as to be excessive, evaluation is particularly influenced by: irrational time table at school, factual educational load, exceeding 35 hours a week, more than one test per day and additional training. Excessive educational load has negative impact on the of children’s health. Those students whose self-assessment of their educational load was excessive, more often assessed their health as poor or very poor. They were more often sick and have to limit or to stop their daily activity because of these health disorders, their psycho emotional well-being is worse.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2009