Abstract [eng] |
SUMMARY The theme of this job - ,, The crimes danger to person life and own causer‘s personality. The crimes imminence to person life is one of the crime‘s sort, where criminal responsibility is described in the Criminal Code of Lithuanian Republic in the XVII chapter. These crimes encroach on person‘s the most important right to live. The subject of this job - the crimes danger to person life and own causer‘s personality. The purpose of this job – to show the juridical implements, which protected the person‘s rights and the main causer‘s features of his own personality. There are shortly decribed the law processes, wich are regulating the crime‘s danger to person life and unclosed the conception about people life, their features analysis. It is impossible to see crimes purport, if you don‘t analyse own causer‘s personality, either it is a trutful notion, that causer‘s personality isn‘t dissociative of done crime heaviness. In this job there are analysed the features of causer‘s individuality: 1) social -demographis; 2) criminal-juridical ; 3) moral; 4) psychological features. This analysis is asociate with statistical facts, wich shows the person‘s rating, who has made hard crimes through the year (assess sex, age, nationality, education, employment, insobriety and etc.) and there are given the psychological features of causer‘s individuality: voluntary, individuality, emotions and etc. Herewith near the analysis there are given the social environment‘s influence to causer‘s personality, where the main part takes family, socialization processes, society influnece. There are excepted the types of crime‘s prevention in the criminology literature, recommended the main prevention programme. The prevention of crime‘s is not only a duty of law institutions, but it‘s success depends how intensive take part the institution of municipality, business society, the organizations of sodality and individual persons. The most important proposition to reduce the crime‘s danger to person life are: education and vocational training, the alcohol demage and violense results understanding, the negative social environmental influences for children and teenagers removal, convicts social rehabilitation and support. |