Title LeverAge: a European network to leverage the multi-age workforce /
Authors Marcus, Justin ; Scheibe, Susanne ; Kooij, Dorien ; Truxillo, Donald M ; Zaniboni, Sara ; Abuladze, Liili ; Al Mursi, Noura ; Bamberger, Peter A ; Balytska, Mariia ; Betanzos, Norma D ; Perek-Białas, Jolanta ; Boehm, Stephan Alexander ; Burmeister, Anne ; Cabib, Ignacio ; Caon, Maurizio ; Deller, Jürgen ; Derous, Eva ; Drury, Lisbeth ; Eppler-Hattab, Raphael ; Fasbender, Ulrike ; Fülöp, Marta ; Furunes, Trude ; Gerpott, Fabiola H ; Goštautaitė, Bernadeta ; Halvorsen, Cal J ; Hernaus, Tomislav ; Inceoglu, Ilke ; Iskifoglu, Mustafa ; Ivanoska, Kalina Sotiroska ; Kanfer, Ruth ; Kenig, Nikolina ; Kiran, Sibel ; Klimek, Sabina ; Kunze, Florian ; Mertan, Emete Biran ; Varianou-Mikellidou, Cleo ; Moasa, Horia ; Ng, Yin Lu ; Parker, Sharon K ; Reh, Susan ; Resuli, Vebina ; Schmeink, Martina ; Silberg, Slavka ; Sousa, Inês C ; Steiner, Dirk D ; Stukalina, Yulia ; Tomas, Jasmina ; Topa, Gabriela ; Turek, Konrad ; Vignoli, Michela ; von Bonsdorff, Monika ; Wang, Dahua ; Wang, Mo ; Yeung, Dannii Yuen-lan ; Yildirim, Kemal ; Zhang, Xin ; Žnidaršič, Jana
DOI 10.1093/workar/waae009
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Is Part of Work, aging and retirement.. Oxford : Oxford University Press. 2024, vol. 10, iss. 4, p. 309-316.. ISSN 2054-4642. eISSN 2054-4650
Keywords [eng] age diversity at work ; aging workforce ; older adults and workers ; age stereotyping and age discrimination ; age-inclusive human resource management and practices
Abstract [eng] Bringing together 150+ scholars and practitioners from 50+ countries, and funded by the European Commission, COST Action LeverAge (https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA22120/) is the first network-building project of its kind in the work and organizational psychology and human resource management (WOP/HRM) aspects of work and aging. Focused on the aging workforce, the Action aims to foster interdisciplinary and multinational scientific excellence and the translation of science to practical and societal impact across 4 years. Based on a research synthesis, we identify five broad research directions for work and aging science including work and organizational practices for a multi-age workforce, successful aging at work, the integration of age-diverse workers and knowledge transfer, aging and technology at work, and career development in later life and retirement. We provide key research questions to guide scientific inquiry along these five research directions alongside best practice recommendations to expand scholarly impact in WOP/HRM.
Published Oxford : Oxford University Press
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2024
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