Title Le politiche linguistiche familiari: uno studio sulle famiglie italo-lituane in Lituania /
Translation of Title Family language policy: a study of Italo-Lithuanian families in Lithuania.
Authors Bogužaitė, Rimantė ; Ramonaitė, Jogilė Teresa
DOI 10.54103/2037-3597/23840
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Is Part of Italiano LinguaDue.. Milano : Università degli Studi di Milano. 2024, vol. 16, no. 1, p. 257-291.. eISSN 2037-3597
Keywords [eng] family language policy ; inter-ethnic families ; early simultaneous bilingualism ; family language policy factors
Abstract [eng] This study investigates family language policy (FLP) and linguistic practices of Italo-Lithuanian families in Lithuania. FLP is explicit and/or implicit language planning for language use in the home and among family members which is determined by independent yet interconnected internal and external factors. The data consists of 5 qualitative semi-structured interviews conducted with Italo-Lithuanian families residing in Vilnius. This data then was analysed following the theoretic model of X. Curdt-Christiansen, according to which FLP is influenced by external socio-economic, socio-political, socio-cultural, socio-linguistic factors and internal emotional, identity, cultural factors, child agency and parental impact belief factors. The aim of the study is to analyse the families’ linguistic behaviour, the variations within the internal and external factors that influence the FLP, observe the tendencies of the FLP that occur within this demographic, and recognise the most influential factors. The study shows a greater variation within the internal factors that are based on the parents’ values and beliefs, compared to a much lesser variability within the external factors that depend on the families’ social environment. The FLP was influenced the most by emotional and socio-economic factors as well as parental impact beliefs. Parents that held strong convictions and linguistic opinions had more defined (even if implicit) FLP and were more successful in supporting their children’s bilingual development regardless of the linguistic strategy used.
Published Milano : Università degli Studi di Milano
Type Journal article
Language Italian
Publication date 2024
CC license CC license description