Title Jautrumas nerimui, jo ryšys su koronarine širdies liga, nerimo sutrikimais ir uždegimo rodikliais /
Translation of Title Is anxiety sensitivity associated with coronary heart disease, anxiety disorders and inflamention markers.
Authors Veličkienė, Indraja
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Pages 139
Keywords [eng] Anxiety Sensitivity ; coronary heart disease ; anxiety disorders ; IL-6 and IL-8
Abstract [eng] Disertation is aiming to determine the importance of Anxiety Sensitivity(ASI-R-36), demographic/risk factors for individuals diagnosed with anxiety disorders and coronary heart disease in comparison with the control group and investigate an association with inflammatory markers (IL-6 and IL-8). Anxiety sensitivity scale and subscales were investigated between the three groups and the study results presented in tables and graphs. Conclusions and study limitations identified and compared with previous trials.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2017