Title Mielės atopinio dermatito etiologijoje /
Translation of Title Yeast in atopic dermatitis etiology.
Authors Zinkevičienė, Auksė
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Pages 106
Keywords [eng] yeast ; atopic dermatitis ; Candida ; Malassezia ; house dust mites
Abstract [eng] Isolation and identification of all yeast species found on skin affected by atopic dermatitis, evaluation of their influence to the synthesis of IgE antibodies, and assessment of the possible cross-reactivity between different yeast species was performed. It was shown that in 36.9 % of the cases of atopic dermatitis, the affected skin was colonized with yeast belonging to three genera: Candida, Malassezia and Rhodotorula. Systematic and phylogenetic analysis of sequences from atypical Malassezia restricta strain M8 indicated that this isolate could be a member of a new yeast species. Three atypical Malassezia isolates M47, M54 and M235 were identified as non-lipid-dependent variants of Malassezia furfur. It was shown that in atopic dermatitis, cutaneous colonization with yeast is two-fold higher in adults than in children. The sera of atopic dermatitis patients have specific IgE antibodies to cross-reactive intracellular yeast antigens. Candida pelliculosa and house dust mites Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Dermatophagoides farinae might share some allergenic epitopes. The results of this study suggest that attention should be given to a cutaneous colonization by saprophytic yeast since the immune response to the allergens could further exacerbate allergic inflammation due to cross-reactive epitopes.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2012