Title Experimental and clinical evaluation of oxidative processes and effectiveness of herbal tinctures in the gastroduodenal mucosa /
Translation of Title Gastroduodeninės srities gleivinės oksidacinių procesų ir augalų tinktūrų poveikio eksperimentinis ir klinikinis įvertinimas.
Authors Vasiliauskas, Audrius
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Pages 33
Keywords [eng] oxidative stress ; gastroduodenal mucosa ; herbal tincture ; horse chesnut ; filipendula ulmaria
Abstract [eng] Skrandžio ir dvylikapirštės žarnos gleivinės įvairių patologinių procesų atsiradimui (tarp jų ir opaligei) svarbią reikšmę turi organizmo pro/antioksidacinės sistemos būklė, antioksidacinės sistemos pajėgumas, lipidų peroksidacijos procesai. Šių procesų dinamikos pažinimas atskleidžia patologinio proceso grandis, suteikia galimybę panaudoti antioksidantinius preparatus šių ligų gydymui. Status of pro/antioxidant system, its antioxidant capacity, and processes of lipid peroxidation play an important role in various pathological processes of gastric and duodenal mucosa (including the ulcers). The knowledge about the dynamic of these processes reveals the chains of the pathological process and gives the possibility to use the antioxidant agents for the treatment of diseases. Now, the researchers tend their attention on the use of the natural antioxidants in the clinical practice. In the study, the changes of oxidative system in the gastroduodenal mucosa of patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers are estimated and the effects of tinctures from the blossoms of horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum (L.)) and the flowers from meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim) on the mucosal oxidative system of rats with experimental ulcers in vivo and by using biopsy material in vitro are evaluated in the experimental animals and patients suffering from gastroduodenal diseases. According to data (observations in vitro and in vivo) obtained from the experimental and clinical material, antioxidant effect of biologically active substances from the tinctures positively acting on the chains of oxidative system of damaged gastroduodenal mucosa was determined. These data support the possibility to use above-mentioned plant tinctures in the patients with gastroduodenal diseases.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2010