Title Discourse-picture of the world and discourse-picture of cortege reciprocity presented in elite media /
Translation of Title Дискурс-картины мира и кортежного взаимодействия элитарных средств информации.
Translation of Title Elitinės žiniasklaidos pasaulėvaizdžio ir kortežinės sąveikos diskursas.
Authors Popova, Aliona
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Pages 62
Keywords [eng] Discourse category ; picture of the world ; format of relations ; referential stratum and sign/verbal-referential stratum of contents ; topical-and-focusing parameter of the contents
Abstract [eng] Discourse of elite media is my research field. Elite media define outlets or programmes having a (inter)national impact, although their audience may be relatively small and geographically limited; these media are opinion leaders; they are an elite group that affects the decisions made in other media (Jamieson, Kathleen Hall 1992). There are three case studies covered in the research paper. The case studies are based on different in size and volume printed elite media texts, and they are: one of the articles published in the Sunday Supplement Domenica to Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore; one of the sections published in the Harvard Business Review magazine; one of the issues of The Lion magazine. The Harvard Business Review is pre-eminent in the financial and top-management community [www.harvardbusinessreview.com]. The Il Sole 24 Ore is considered to be a professional setter of standards in Italy; it is trusted, respected, and used by other journalists [www.giornalilocali.it/quotidiani/il-sole-24-ore.htm]. The Lion magazine is an international club magazine and is distributed on subscription basis exclusively among members of the Lions Club International which is the largest elite charity organization in the world. Causal-genetic theory representing Belarusian school of discourse-analysis is a core methodology used in my research (Oukhvanova, Popova, Markovich, Savich, Kurchak). Causal-genetic theory (hereinafter CGTh) is a contribution to the study of functional and multidimensional contents of complex communicative products. It includes into the contents main body referential information (info about real or imaginary object/reference of communication) and cortege information (info about (1) communicants included into text space; direct or mediated interaction of subjects of communication; (2) social interaction of communicants reflected in texts), along with sign/verbal referential and sign/verbal cortege types of information. There are major types of logic analysis like induction, deduction, and abduction applied. Methods of linguistic and discourse analytical practices like identification-and-interpretation analysis (when theme-rheme analysis is developed for macrotext analysis purposes), subject-matter lexical sets analysis, genre analysis (focusing on “open/closed” category), methods of reconstruction, verification, operational method, social-and-role analysis are used either. All these methods constitute two basic synthesized algorithms worked out in the framework of CGTh: discourse-picture of the world reconstruction and discourse-picture of cortege reciprocity reconstruction Key-categories of the research: discourse, discourse-analysis, discourse category, hierarchy, structure, line and system, discourse-picture of the world (object-focused content, or subject-matter matrix of printed media), referential stratum and sign/verbal-referential stratum of contents, discourse-picture of cortege reciprocity (or subject-focused contents, matrix of communicants’ roles (social status, gender, age, profession etc.), cortege, type of relations/type of cortege, actual cortege content stratum (all types of relations manifested btw addresser/A1 and addressee/A2), latent sign/verbal-cortege content stratum, genres palette and stylistic choice, format of A1-A2 relations, “journalistic motive/cause”, “mission”, factual content, interpretative content and meta-content (terminological) arrangements, topical-and-focusing parameter of the contents.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2010