Title Duomenų (įrodymų), gautų pažeidžiant teisę, naudojimo neleistinumas Lietuvos baudžiamajame procese /
Translation of Title Inadmissibility of Illegaly Obtained Evidence in Lithuanian Criminal Process.
Authors Juozapavičius, Audrius
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Pages 250
Keywords [eng] Evidence ; criminal process ; effective criminal prosecution ; protection of personal rights and liberties
Abstract [eng] The dissertation investigates an impact of the law infringement made by obtaining evidence, meeting the question of the admissibility (inadmissibility) of evidence in the Lithuanian criminal process. The analysis touches upon the conception of the admissibility of evidence in the Lithuanian criminal process law, uncovering the nature of this juridical topic along with the procedural juridical meaning in the context of the present – day criminal process legal regulation, identifying the positive aspects and weaknesses of traditional teaching on admissibility of evidence; inadmissibility of illegally obtained evidence constitutional aspects, meaning and justification in the criminal process of the state governed by the rule of law are analyzed. On the basis of the accomplished standard and special literature analysis, empirical matter studies and the comparative information research, the alternative admissibility of evidence conception is proposed, defining the nature and procedural legal meaning of the content composing legal categories – evidence collection admissibility and the evidence evaluation inadmissibility. Finally, apparent fundamentals of the illegally obtained evidence inadmissibility in the Lithuanian criminal process are identified.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2012