Title Sergančiųjų TBC ir medicinos personalo žinių lygis apie TBC Vilniaus mieste /
Translation of Title Patients with tuberculosis and medical personnel level knowledge about tbc in city vilnius.
Authors Sakalauskaitė, Giedrė
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Pages 68
Abstract [eng] Purpose of Work: Patients' with Tuberculosis and Family Doctors' Level of Knowledge about Tuberculosis in Vilnius City.Goals: 1. To evaluate how family doctors know basic facts about tuberculosis in Vilnius City. 2. To evaluate how ill with tuberculosis know basic facts about tuberculosis in Vilnius City General characteristic and relevance of the theme. Tuberculosis is infectious disease, which is caused by tuberculosis mycobacteria, transferred through the air when a person with TB of the lungs or throat coughs, sneezes or talks. There are 20 million people ill with TBC, about half of them – ill with open tuberculosis. Irregular and improper treatment is main cause of open tuberculosis. We can claim that spread of open tuberculosis is influenced by gaps of health system, however, according to WHO data, only 10 per cent of medical problems are solved by health system, 20 per cent depend on genetic background, 20 per cent on living surroundings, and 50 per cent on lifestyle. Tuberculosis is a social problem, which can be solved by joint individual and public and its structures efforts expanding effective prevention and system of medical help. Therefore we can claim, that evaluation of knowledge of medical doctors and TBC patients is a hot problem, in regard of both theoretical and practical research. Research modes. Research was carried out in Vilnius City, Public Enterprise VUH Santariškių Clinic Family Center, Center Clinic, Šeškinė Clinic, and Republic Hospital of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases. 62 respondents – GPs and TBC patients - were interviewed for quantitative research. 100 questionnaires were delivered to family doctors, and 33 of them were filled in. Patients were left 60 forms, and 29 were filled in. Overall 33 GPs and 29 TBC patients were interviewed. Statistic analysis package of SPSS 11 version was used for analysis of results. Diagrams and tables were made with Microsoft Excel 2000 program.Outcomes and conclusions. Evaluating answers of respondents - doctors and TBC patients we can claim that they lack knowledge on disease. To the question “What is main cause of tuberculosis?” 87.8 per cent -GPs - answered properly. TBC patients’ answers to this question distributed in the following way: 24.1 per cent respondents answered properly, 62.0 per cent answered wrongly, 13,7 did not answered. We can claim that 100 per cent of doctors don’t know what are the main types causing TB. TBC patients’ opinion on the ways of infection of this disease statistically credibly differed – 24.1 per cent respondents answered partly properly, 65.5 per cent answered wrongly, 10.3 per cent didn’t answer. Doctors’ opinion on the ways of tuberculosis infection: the greater part of respondents answered partly properly – 90.9 per cent, and the rest of respondents – 9.0 per cent answered wrongly. Distribution of doctors’ opinion on what infection probability depend on: 96.9 per cent answered wrongly to this question, the rest 3.0 per cent answered partly properly. Evaluating doctors’ knowledge on TBC notable that the greater part of respondents lack information on tuberculosis, diagnostic modes, pharmaceutical. Doctors more critically assess role of medicine in treatment process claiming that nevertheless more important role fall to a person and his way of life. Younger doctors admit that they lack information how to fix disease timely and to choose adequate treatment, and cooperate with patients reaching the joint goal. Assessing knowledge of patients on TBC notable that greater part of respondents know nothing about disease. Ill people accept therapy modes, however, they don’t know how they could protect their family from tuberculosis, what are essential means, what are the ways of TB infection.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010