Title |
Pollen concentration in the air: circulating and phenological aspects / |
Translation of Title |
Žiedadulkių koncentracija ore: cirkuliaciniai ir fenologiniai aspektai. |
Authors |
Veriankaitė, Laura |
Full Text |
Pages |
39 |
Keywords [eng] |
Airborne pollen ; meteorological conditions ; long-range transport ; flowering ; climate change |
Abstract [eng] |
Rapid technical progress, constantly changing conditions of environment and quick scientific progress is an inseparable part of development of modern society. After combining the initiative of scientists working in the fields of biomedicine and physical sciences the new interdisciplinary science about airborne pollen is being developed. The aim of this Dissertation – to determine the changing of airborne pollen concentration in the atmosphere and to evaluate the influence of circulating and meteorological factors determining these changing upon the spread of airborne pollen in the conditions of changing climate. The research was conducting basing upon the pollen concentration in the air, flowering of plants, data of meteorological conditions. The models HYSPLIT and SILAM were used for evaluation of pollen transport. The data of air temperature output of two climate models ECHAM5 and HadCM3 were used. The types characterized by huge amount of pollen in the atmosphere in Lithuania were determined in the Dissertation; the spread of pollen in the atmosphere and long-range transport in air was evaluated; the influence of meteorological conditions upon spread of pollen was determined; the correlation of aeropalynological and phytophenological observation data was done; the prognoses describing the beginning of plants flowering in the 21st century were done. The conducted research of pollen spread will form the basis of aeropalynological researches in Lithuania, which will be useful for people having problems due to pollen; it will also give an opportunity to evaluate the future changing related to the change of climate. |
Type |
Summaries of doctoral thesis |
Language |
English |
Publication date |
2010 |