Abstract [eng] |
In Lithuania, the same like in another democratic republic, politic of the state, also and criminal, is formel according human rights and preservative freedom and defence principles. Minors, because of specific position, it means phisical and psyhological viridity, have right to have special pupillary and support, making sure according their legal protection. It means, that a person, who does not have eighteen years old, always has to be between people, whom first of all provide security and support. Therefore, considering that in criminal process often participate not only minors who are suspected, but also witness and victim minors, according to legal standart some guaranties and pecularity during intterogation process is ensured. But we can not say, that current legal sistem can provide full security of witnesses and injured minors interest, because enought big part of law rules which valid today is implemented seldom during intterogation of such individuals. It is caused becuse that minors not depending on theirs age often are intterogated according the same rules like adults, and because of that, they experience stress and concern, can not provide full-scale and exact evidences. Ofcourse it is only one of a lot off reasons, which can have negative effect not only on minor how he feels, but also on trustness of got evidences. Wherefore, trying to clarify all problems relaited to intterogation of minors, in this work is provided particular analysis of intterogation of minors witnesses and victims singularity, paying attention to minors intterogation rules during pretrial investication and also during investigation of the case in the court. Work consist of introduction and four parts. Introduction part of this topic is for analysis of topicality, originality, used methods, sources and for purpose achievement consideration. In the first part is research of legal status of mior witness and victim during penal process, and content of ensured rights and duties. The second part is about interrogation of minors during pretrail investigation, it includes preparation, interrogation and end procedure. Third part is to discusss minors interrogation in the court. In the fourth part is analysis of factors which have an influence to precision and reliability of minors testifications. At the end there is some conclusions, which describe minors witnesses interrogation rules, principle attitudes, which must be followed. |