Title Viešojo sektoriaus institucijų veikla, skatinant kaimiškųjų vietovių gyventojų sociokultūrinį aktyvumą: Akmenės rajono atvejo analizė /
Translation of Title Public sector institutions work in promoting countrified population sociocultural activeness: A case analysis of Akmenes district.
Authors Krūmienė, Jūratė ; Krumiene, Jurate ; Krumiene, Jurate ; Krumiene, Jurate ; Krumiene, Jurate ; Krumiene, Jurate
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Pages 104
Keywords [eng] Akmenes region ; socio-cultural activities ; rural areas.
Abstract [eng] Master’s work was out to the theoretical structure about the public sector institutions and their activeness. The countrified areas, local community conceptions and new functions of the system development urbanized areas were analyzed. Sociocultural countrified areas and basic concept aspects were structured. Master’s work aim was to highlight the population of Akmenes district countrified social and cultural issues, to assess the present situation and make recommendations to promote the sociocultural activeness of the population. Sociocultural situation and problems of Akmenes population were developed in this paper. The questionnaire survey was based on Akmenes district countrified population of 243. Also, the interview method was applied to Master's work. In experts’ survey seven representatives were participated from the following institutions: the Mayor of Akmene district, countrified community chairmen of Akmenes town, Kivyliu and Akmenes II villages, the head of cultural department, municipal public library, and the head of municipal social department of Akmenes district. According to the research facts conclusions and recommendations were drawn.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010