Abstract [eng] |
In work of the master was leading the theoretical analysis of features of properties of thinking with metamorphoses of proverbs for process of education of children with special needs. Hypothesis of research: there is an opinion, that for education of pupils with special needs of metamorphosis of thinking the level is below rather than at their schoolfellows and it is connected with didactic of process features, therefore the purposeful and regular doctrine of understanding of proverbs in a portable kind been educate and will accelerate development of metamorphosis a level of thinking. Methods of research: questionnaire of teachers and pupils; educational experiment; data processing. 52 teachers of initial classes participated in research and 644 pupils from comprehensive schools from Marijampoles and Vilkaviskis. In experiment research was participated the ten of third class and twelve pupils from fourth class having special need of education from Vilkaviskio Salomejos Neries high school. In empirical part it has been investigated: portable concept of sense of a proverb pupils; use of methods of training for development of metamorphosis thinking; results of research of metamorphosis thinking. The conclusions of research of metamorphosis thinking: 1. Ideas of inclusive education and the heterogeneous pupils of grouping defines not only a version in a class but also demands an individual sight choosing and using methods of training, kinds which would provide that each pupil would acquire firm knowledge, it would be formulated it worldly, self-dependents skills and would be brought up intellectual abilities. One of ability intellect can consider concept of metamorphoses texts – proverbs, understanding. On a background heterogeneous a class it is complex to create conditions for qualitative education and selection of correct methods and ways which developed power intellect pupils and that developed metaphorical thinking. Scientists consider, that properties which are assign to metaphor to suit and a proverb, therefore they can be applied at diagnosis and development metaphor thinking. Understanding, that children from 11 years of age start to think abstract concepts is more often, allows on to use much earlier the directed doctrine that still in a stage of maturation and a near stage to develop of existent functions (in our case metaphorical thinking). 2. Many teachers were a common opinion at the forecast of understanding of proverbs in textbooks and writing-books of the third and fourth classes of practice and their availability to understanding of pupils. Appreciating initial classes of teachers as the competence of experts of education of a proverb, maintenances attaching in 3 blocks of understanding (it is easy, middle and difficultly understood), it is noticed, that complexity of understanding of pupils by estimations of teachers only from a part coincides with skill of pupils to understand them. 3. Research has shown, that the opportunity of concept of proverbs and in them the coded information and education at pupils with special needs differs from schoolfellows of usual development. It became clear, that all pupils of the third class approximately equally understand the basic idea of proverbs, but in the fourth class has come to light dependence of understanding of proverbs on a floor of pupils. 4. Research has shown that the school and a class are the main things at education of pupils with use of proverbs because pupils more anywhere does not hear proverbs in using and anybody do not learn them to it. • Investigating dependence metaphorical thinking from features of process of didactics, it is noticed, that use of different ways and methods at lessons shows aspiration of teachers to individualize the doctrine in a class, but on the other hand it can be appreciated as lower quantity stimulus for pupils of having special requirements of education. • It is noted, that for pupils with special requirements easier are appointed only, less metaphorical thinking requiring problems which children independently could execute. 5. Results of educational experiment have shown, that for pupils of the initial classes having the requirements of special education, most of all carries to understand proverbs with usual everyday of relation and roles, with life and nearest environment and is less metamorphosis. Pupils of a proverb with wider abstraction understand more difficultly. Results of research have confirmed a hypothesis, that the level of pupils with special requirements of education of thinking is binding with slim a version of methods of training, but the regular doctrine only from a part increases development of metaphorical thinking. |