Title Hidrometeorologinių veiksnių poveikis maudymosi sąlygoms Lietuvos upėse 1990-2004 metais /
Translation of Title Infuence of hydrometeorological factors on swimming condition in lithuanian rivers during 1990-2004.
Authors Ozarovskienė, Jūratė
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Pages 54
Abstract [eng] JŪRATĖ OZAROVSKIENĖ INFLUENCE OF HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL FACTORS ON SWIMMING CONDITION IN LITHUANIAN RIVERS DURING 1990 – 2004 SUMMARY The main purpose of this investigation is to determine the influence of hydro-meteorological factors on swimming condition in various Lithuanian rivers. Such conclusions were arrived at having carried out the analysis of the above mentioned tasks: 1. In regard to criteria related to water temperature (when it is ≥17 ºC), maximum day temperature (when it is ≥20 ºC or ≥25 ºC), the duration of sunshine during a day (when it is ≥ monthly average), amount of precipitation (when precipitation was not observed or its amount was ≤ 1 mm) we can see during all of the investigated period the greatest number of opportunate swimming days (out of examined HS) was in Nemunas beside Druskininkai. 2. In regard to criteria related to water temperature (when it is ≥17 ºC), maximum day temperature (when it is ≥20 ºC and ≥25 ºC), the duration of sunshine a day (when it is ≥ monthly average), the amount of precipitation (when precipitation was not observed or its amount was ≤ 1 mm) we can see that the smallest amount of opportunate swimming days during the total examined period was in Merkys beside Puvočiai. 3. In regard to criteria related to water temperature (when it is ≥17 ºC), maximum day temperature (when it is ≥20 ºC or ≥25 ºC), the duration of sunshine during a day (when it is ≥ monthly average), amount of precipitation (when precipitation was not observed or its amount was ≤ 1 mm) we can see that the biggest amount of opportunate swimming days during the total examined period was in the third ten-days of July an the first ten-days of August in most of the examined hydrology stations. 4. In regard to the criteria related to water temperature (when it is ≥17 ºC), maximum day temperature (when it is ≥20 ºC or ≥25 ºC), the duration of sunshine during a day (when it is ≥ monthly average), amount of precipitation (when precipitation was not observed or its amount was ≤ 1 mm) it is clear that in the most of examined hydrology stations the greatest amount of opportunate swimming days was in the years 1992, 1994, 1999 and 2000. 5. In regard to the criteria related to water temperature (when it is ≥17 ºC), maximum day temperature (when it is ≥20 ºC or ≥25 ºC), the duration of sunshine during a day (when it is ≥ monthly average), amount of precipitation (when precipitation was not observed or its amount was ≤ 1 mm) it is clear the biggest influence on to the distribution of opportunate swimming days was water temperature.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010