Abstract [eng] |
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR GROUND HANDLING ORGANIZATIONS Aistė KUCKAITĖ Paper for the Master‘s degree Quality Management Master‘s Program Vilnius University, Faculty of Economics, Management Department Supervisor – doc. dr. D. Serafinas Vilnius, 2016 SUMMARY 77 pages, 14 charts, 8 pictures, 50 references. The aim of this master thesis is to create a Quality management system (QMS) model for ground handling organizations. Methods are used: scientific literature systematic analysis, semi-structured interview (for experts‘ opinion analysis), document analysis (ISO9001: 2015 and ISAGO: 2016 standards analysis, to evaluate their compatibility and integration opportunities), the questionnaire method (for top management‘s and middle-level managers‘ opinions assessment regarding the safety and quality criteria), the concordance of expert evaluation. Synthesis method - based on the literature and the researches results was designed QMS model for ground handling organizations. Master's thesis analyses the design and implementation methodology of quality management system for aircraft ground handling organizations with the aim to improve it. The results show that safety is a mandatory quality in ground handling, but for the consumer also important other criteria: fast service, staff politeness, clearly presented flight information, etc. According to the research results, it is recommended to create a QMS integrating ISO9001:2015 and ISAGO:2016 standards, because they perfectly complement each other and create a sustainable QMS system. Researches shows that safety procedures (anti-icing, aircraft loading, baggage handling and so on.) is the existential importance, both, top managers and passengers, unanimously say that safety is the most important factor. To ensure safety, it is necessary to ensure the qualifications of the staff, especially front-line workers. Properly performed procedures (key processes) is the basis of safety and quality. Promotion of leadership and communication should motivate and constantly improve staff skills, because the only way to ensure satisfactory service - meet customer needs and expectations. An important element - preventive measures. Disasters‘ analyses should be included in it, also their causes communicated across the organization. According to the literature analyses and research results, the author has designed the QMS model for the ground service organizations, which is based on the PDCA cycle as well as quality management principles through the implementation of ISO9001:2015 and ISAGO:2016 standards requirements, integrating them together. In implementing the system, it is necessary to include staff from the front lines, as well as the analysis of customer needs and satisfaction, and replacing them, it is necessary to respond and update the model. The potential improvement of the model, even during its implementation, is necessary to ensure that its efficiency. Researces results introduced at UAB „Baltic Ground Services“ organization. |