Title UAB "Toksika" pagrindinės įmonės aplinkosauginės būklės įvertinimas /
Translation of Title The environmental compliance assessment of uab "toksika".
Authors Stankevičiūtė, Ona
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Abstract [eng] The aim of this work is to analyze and evaluate the existing and potential environmental impact of UAB „Toksika“, to evaluate the measures for the mitigation of this impact and the compliance of this enterprise with the legal environmental requirements and requirements for work safety and health. The work examines the technological process, its impact and preventive measures that are applied to avoid this impact on the atmospheric air, surface water and underground water, soil, landscape, biodiversity, the health and safety of the employees, analyses the preventive measures and preparedness to avoid accidents and spills and evaluates the existing environmental management system. After examining the above-mentioned aspects, the conclusions are that UAB „Toksika“ has no significant negative impact on atmospheric air. There are no measures for reducing the consumption of water but it is not compulsory because the current consumption is very low. The enterprise performs the proper management of the sewage; the underground water monitoring indicates that the activity of the enterprise causes no contamination of underground water. UAB „Toksika“ does not have negative impact on soil, landscape or biodiversity; a required job safety and health care of the employees is ensured. The enterprise complies with the requirements of environmental legal acts, but there is no system for collecting data about the environment and the enterprise does not have a functioning environmental management system. It is recommended to implement such a system that would help to implement a better control of the activity and the environmental impact of the enterprise.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010