Title Elninių žvėrių (Cervidae) ir stirninių (Capreolus capreolus) kaukolių morfometrinės charakteristikos skirtingos medžioklėtvarkos miškuose /
Translation of Title Density of cervids (cervidae) and craniometric data of roebucks (capreolus capreolus) in forests of different management.
Authors Auglys, Povilas
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Abstract [eng] The aim of this study was to find out and estimate the density of cervids in 4 researched forests; to find out the differences between craniometric data of roebucks which were hunted in forests of different management. The long study showed that the amount of red deers and roe deers decreased in professional hunting area whereas in club hunting area decreased only the amount of red deers while the amount of roe deers increased. The density of mooses felt into decline and finally during the last two years of study disappeared. Still and all there was found the significant differences in the red deer and in the roe deer densities in forests of different management. However in mentioned forests the densities of mooses were not significantly different. The significant differences of distributions of cervids in different biotopes were not found. There was found the most liked biotopes of roe deers during the non-vegetation period. Whereas red deer distribution in different biotopes has no regularity. The study of craniometric data showed that the parameter sizes of roebucks in the North Lithuania region are the smallest although not all are significantly different from parameters of craniometric data of roebucks in Middle Lithuania region. However the means of parameter show the same declining tendency. The craniometric data of roebucks in Middle Lithuania region in 2 different management hunting areas are lightly different. This difference was caused by commercial hunting in professional hunting area (hunters shoot only the hugest roebucks).
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010