Abstract [eng] |
Libraries are necessary because they help to realize plans and ideas of education, raise quality of education. Libraries are directly associate with education as process. School library must be opened for all community of school. It must give a chance for schoolchildren to find information by themselves. Library must suggest and give all opportunities for schoolchildren and teachers to use new technologies. And it must become a cultural and social centre of school at the same time. T. Liubertiene secondary school is the first private secondary shool in independent Lithuania established in 1993. This school tryes to create psychical healthy atmosphere, good conditions of work, rest and exercise universaly. In this school study 303 children. In this school work teachers with high qualification. They practise modern teaching methods. Teachers continually work in methodical teachers centres. There are organising inside seminars for teachers in this school. T. Liubertiene secondary school exists 15 years, but the library was established only in 2006 (when an author of this task came work to this school). The school library should be administer by straight policy, but it isn’t created yet. The policy of the library should image purposes and plans of school, but now it supplyes requirements of school just partly. The private school hasn’t support of state or municipality, but money from state (“schoolchild bag”) is designed for every schoolchild. But practically the library doesn’t get any money of the “schoolchild bag”. |