Abstract [eng] |
8 Shizophrenic patients and 8 healthy controls patients were inspected by evoked potential method in order to evaluate Quetiapine effects to MMN potential. Patients were examined before, 2 weeks and 4 weeks after Quetiapine treatment. MMN frequency and duration potentials were registered and analised. The results shows no significant MMN difference neither in MMN amplitude nor in latency. Foremore, no significant corellations between PANSS scale results and MMN differences were found. One could observe tendency of MMN amplitude's deficit to increase after two weeks of treatments, and reduce after 4 weeks, in most electrodes surpassing baseline values. This tendency occures at grand averange MMN's as well as at single trials. The decrease in amplitude after 2 weeks could be the indication of antipsychotic treatment adaptation period, after this period amplitude starts to increase. In conclusion, reseach results goes inline with previously observed atypic antipsychotic effects on MMN. Concidering the tendencties observed, it is reccomended to repeat the experiment with longer period of Quetiapine treatment. |