Title Prekyba žmonėmis: baudžiamieji teisiniai ir kriminologiniai aspektai /
Translation of Title Trafficking in human beings: legal and criminological aspects.
Authors Salnikaitė, Roberta
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Pages 89
Abstract [eng] During the last decade, human trafficking has become a phenomenon of constant concern to many countries around the world, also – to Lithuania. Considering the latent, prevalence and various forms of expression of this crime, international, regional and national acts which define the phenomenon and related aspects of human trafficking, are analysed in this paper. At the same time, the national peculiarities of this crime are analysed in the paper, depending in the different versions of the Criminal Code, giving interpretation of the composition of the offence and the relationship to other crimes. The characteristic of the human trafficing victims and perpetrators is questioned in this paper in order to determine the specificity of these entities and their interaction. The traits of victim’s personality are described to see how it can affect the individuals to become a victim of human trafficking. Particular attention in the paper is drawn to the human trafficking prevention. Considering one of the ways to fight human trafficking – the information of the public, the analysis of the documents was used. Having analysed the articles in journals, the nature and necessity of this kind of prevention was assessed. According to the results of the investigation, the charts were drawn, allowing to see a better assessment of the situations of the current public information in informal publications.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010