Abstract [eng] |
In Lithuania and other European countries (Italy, Poland) politicians and the public discuss on the issue is it worth restoring the death penalty. Europe after the Second World War, has made maximum efforts to abolish the death penalty throughout the continent. The work was long, it took many decades, but after the diplomatic virages, almost all European countries have abolished death penalty. Current retencional discusses for some seems like a step back, because abolutionists believe that the prohibition of the death penalty is same great achievement, as the global entrenchment of democracy in most countries of the world. Retencionists look in other way to the death penalty and sees it as a normal criminal policy. Therefore, the debate between two opposite camps is going both about death penalty pros and cons, both for the general possibility of restoring the death penalty, at least in certain countries. Aboliucionists has long fought for universal aboliutionizm and do not intend to relinquish any of the positions they have already achieved. Abolutionists rely on the arguments used by the recent debates for and against the death penalty. Retencionists use different arguments for debates, but apparently their rhetoric, and the position is different because of their criminal policies are different goals. Countries of the retencionists has other objectives for the law- it is faced with other problems, and the public, unlike the EU's old member countries‘s societies understand the purpose. Europe took all EU members under a single umbrella with the slogan "all equal", which reminds much the socialist rhetoric. The slogan „all equal“ is not acceptable because the member states are not equal, the differences are not only social, economic life but also criminal policy. However there is a problem: no one can fight alone in battlefield and to fight against a common position is impossible. Moreover, the old member state European Union countries, whose is significantly influential in the EU, has no interest in restoring the death penalty, their values and objectives very different from retencionist countries. They carry out their policy for many decades and does not want the newly accepted countries to ruin all the achievements. |