Title Informacinės visuomenės kūrimo kliūtys ir perspektyvos Afrikos šalyse /
Translation of Title Towards Information Society in Africa Countries: Obstacles and Prospects.
Authors Stankutė, Rasa
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Pages 90
Abstract [eng] Towards Information society in Africa: obstacles and prospects (summary) One of the main strategic goals for every country in Information age, or probably the main – is building Information society, as achievements in this area are the main, which separate one state from another. Depending on it, all states are divided as most developed, developing and least developed. Therefore underlying goal for every state is not only to catch developing speed, but more – to seek for its own contribution in the work of creating new value society. Recently, Global community initiated building “Information society for all”. It means, for all states, regions and individuals. These goals invite to eliminate Digital Divide, helping “information poor” to take advantages of “Digital opportunity”. Main purpose of this work is to look at the situation of “information poor” in Africa continent as building of Information society is seen as opportunity to foster their development. Work theme is “Towards Information society in Africa countries: obstacles and prospects”. Main goal is to highlight obstacles and prospects of building Information Society in Africa. Tasks: to highlight definition, development trends and priorities of Global Information society; to present Information society building origins and initiatives of Africa countries; to measure present status of Information society in Africa regarding complex Information society concept; to carry a comparative research of Africa Information societies. Hypothesis – Building of Information society will lead to evolution if Africa countries achieve Millennium Development Goals or if start working efficiently in achieving its. Concept of Information society is complex as it integrates democracy principles, human resources and ICT availability with usage status in every country. If one of these parts is missing, Information society will not succeed. Comparative research has shown that some Africa countries are missing one, two or even all of these parts. These finding shows a shortage of harmonic development. The main obstacle to reach harmony is local wars and conflicts. Countries which have experienced local conflicts are least developed in the world. As a result they lack infrastructure, citizens are illiterate, poor, life expectancy is very short (Chad case). Libya case is a bit different. Country is also ruled by autocratic regime, but it has quite high potential of Human resources, in spite of it, country can not become integrated Information society as it falls in guarantying of Human rights. The most harmonized is situation of South Africa, as Human rights are respected in country, but it lacks behind in the development of Human recourses, as life expectancy in country is short. Its situation recently is sharpened by AIDS epidemic. From one point of view, building of Information society in every country depends on local factors, which creates local obstacles and prospects, but, on the other hand, much will depend on the global development perspective: will every country manage to transform “Digital Divide” to “Digital opportunity”. This Master work will be useful for researches of society, as it strives to highlight complexity of Information society concept and for researches of Africa countries, as it shows the status of Africa continent in the context of Global Information society, presenting obstacles and prospects for further development.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009