Title Naujausi Pilietybės įstatymo pakeitimai ir jų įgyvendinimo praktiniai aspektai /
Translation of Title The novel changes in citizenship law and practical aspects of its implementation.
Authors Šiuparytė, Jurgita
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Pages 60
Abstract [eng] The citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania – constitutional institute. Primarily it was mentioned in the Temporary Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania in 1918. Citizenship can be described as a ticket to a personal constitutional right, which determine personal legal position in Lithuania. In a modern-day community citizenship legal regulation must be secured by the rights of man to the implementation of citizenship and correspondence to international conventions, by unwritten international law and universally appreciable codes of law. Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania expresses legal membership of the person in the State of Lithuania, reflects legal belongingness of the person to the Nation as a state community. The problems of citizenship legal regulation in Lithuania presently are related with emigration, which may become one of the biggest nonmilitary threats, which detractive the number of Lithuanian people. This situation requires noticing citizenship problems. Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania shall be acquired by birth and on other grounds established by law that with the exception of individual cases provided for by law; no one may be a citizen of both the Republic of Lithuania and another state at the same time. Acquisition of citizenship by birth (filiation) is the main way of acquisition of citizenship. All citizen of the Republic of Lithuania, irrespective of their ethnical origin, under the Constitution shall be equal; they may not be discriminated or granted any privileges on the grounds of their ethnical origin and nationality. Topicality of the pending theme reflects in a modern-day legal, political and social life. The Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania was decreed in 2002. Thereafter were a lot of correctives, which are especially topical for the people that live in Lithuania and for the emigrants. In this writing the main regard will be concentrated to 2002-2006 the Law on Citizenship variations and the problems, which arise during the practicing. Those problems were reflected in the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania decisions (2003, 2006).
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010