Title Atstovavimas privatiems juridiniams asmenims: teoriniai ir praktiniai aspektai /
Translation of Title The agency of private legal persons: theoretical and practical aspects.
Authors Liutkevičiūtė, Giedrė
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Pages 59
Abstract [eng] This thesis analyses the institution of acting on behalf of private legal persons, theoretical and practical aspects are discussed. The attention is mainly concentrated to relations of representation by different forms: representation according to the contract (contractual representation) and acting according to law (ex officio representation), as these are defined in Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania. The article discusses the major theories of representation, concentrating on those, influencing Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania the most. Theoretical stands on legal persons are also discussed shortly. According to legal doctrine legal person is artificial subject, which operates in legal relationships as separate legal subject, but it is not able to act by itself and it’s legal capacity is realized by natural persons. In such case private legal person is represented by natural persons who act on behalf of it. Taking into consideration such specific features of legal person, thesis analyses the governing bodies of legal person, the governing structure, the functions in acting on behalf of private legal person and the contractual representation of private legal person. The praxis of the Supreme Court of Lithuania is reviewed, the most popular opinions in legal doctrine are pointed out, and the most discussed positions due to acting on behalf of private legal person are analyzed deeper.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010