Title Construction of the Cultural Identity in the Programmatic Texts of Lithuanian Periodical Press /
Translation of Title Kultūrinės tapatybės konstravimas programiniuose lietuvių periodinės spaudos tekstuose.
Authors Rimavičienė, Jolita
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Pages 47
Keywords [eng] Identity ; programmatic texts ; periodical press ; social role of intelligence
Abstract [eng] The development of cultural identity in periodicals causes the psyhological need of society‘s self identification. The aim of thesis is to make an analysis of the process of the cultural identification and development of its aspects – a social role of intelligentsia and the role of the press – in the programmatic texts/manifestos in the context of the historical treshold and in the period of the cultural transformation. Personal reasons, like a frustration or denial of identity, are always interwoven with social/structural reasons, of which the main ones are the social, economic, political and cultural transformations usually caused by modernization. The analysis of scientific literature, intended for conceptualising cultural identity in periodicals, revealed the lack of explorations of narrative ambivalence: how the Russian censorial policy, implemented in the 19th century Lithuania, which had to adapt the society to nation-colonizer's official national narrative and promoted values, awakened the national liberation movement that conceptualised national idea. In post-structuralist discourse, the disclosure of cultural differences creates a binary split, a duality (duplication): between past and present, tradition and modernity. This work identifies the historical thresholds, related to the start of Lithuanian national revival (emancipation) movements’ biography in the 19th century and the end of liberation from colonisation in the 20th century, as well as trajectories of national consciousness are drawn in various cultural forms. The dissertation presents the analytical model, which is worth implementing in examining the features of transformations, processes of interaction and paradigms of consciousness, that are unfolded in Lithuanian cultural press. Thus, not only the beginning of national revival-liberation movements' biography in the 19th century and its end in the 20th century are explored, but also the interim heritage of the previous regime (e.g. the interwar). According to the analytical model applied in the work, revealing the features of transformations and the aspects of cultural identity – the intelligentsia’s social role and the role of the press - treating them as the variables that do not have the advanced, the given meaning, Lithuanian cultural identity is understood as a process.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2012