Abstract [eng] |
The name of the magistracy work is ,, Multicultural Heritage in East Lithuania: Problems of Conservation and Interpretation (Case of Šalčininkai Region) „. Object of research - material and non-material heritage of East Lithuania, an example of Shalchininku district. And also, Problem of an “Inconvenient heritage”. A choice of a theme has affected, that the author of work is the inhabitant of area. The purpose of research - to analyze, how the multicultural heritage of East Lithuania and collective memory is integrated in vision of a state heritage and serves of a local public in protection of identity. The tasks of work: 1. to open a multinational heritage of East Lithuania, on an example of Shalchininku district and to reveal by it provoked problems. To find out whose heritage, problem of its interpretation in historiography and collective memory, as is shown by multinational; dissonance of heritage ways of neutralization; 2. to open and to analyze multinational in national; a regional and local level of provoked problems; 3. to analyze, as consolidations of a local public the religion serves; language, toponimika, antroponimika;4. to analyze a sight on a heritage dominant тhe majority and national minority; 5. to open the basic conflicts in Shalchininku district connected with protection of cultural monuments of olden time and their interpretation; 6. to find out why about a non-material heritage care more than material; key words – multicultural, discord; national minority, identity. The interpretation Lithuania is homogeneous; by the homogeneous state, being at it by a strongly dominant nation. The Lithuanian nation makes 83, 45 %, all the rest is made by minority - Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, Byelorussians, Jewс and others. It is necessary to search roots of multiculturalism and history of The Great Lithuanian Principality, during which majority of various cultures was occupied. The various cultures have left a rich heritage in memory of its ground. And now because of this there are various disputed situations and misunderstanding. The problems are shown in various interpretation of a heritage, in various collective memories, in congestion in territory of area dissonance of a heritage. Which have left various epochs and historical events. The strategy and models of integration are developed for the sanction of various disputed situations. Lithuania offers to the minority of the right on freedom of culture and integration in a society. |