Title Lietuvos tarptautinės politinės komunikacijos pokyčiai (transformacija) XXI amžiuje: internetinės erdvės pritaikymas /
Translation of Title Lithuanian international political communication in xxist century: use of cyberspace.
Authors Bartusevičiūtė, Gaja
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Pages 70
Abstract [eng] Subject of Master thesis is Lithuanian international political communication in XXIst century: use of cyberspace. The aim is to illustrate the alternation and application of international political communication in Lithuania and analyze the implementation of international political communication means in Lithuanian Embassies’/Consulates’ internet sites. Main objectives are: to analyze conception and relationship of political and international political communication; define and analyze how conception and means of international political communication application changed in Lithuania; shortly try to discuss main communication tools, especially internet that influenced the change in Lithuanian’s international political communication; to make a survey about the implementation of international political communication means in Lithuanian Embassies’/Consulates’ internet sites. First part of this work presents theoretical overwiev of political and international political communication conceptions. Second part analyzes how conception and means of international political communication application changed in Lithuania and discusses main communication tools, especially internet that influenced the change in Lithuanian’s international political communication in XXIst century; Third, last part, accomplished research about the implementation of international political communication means in Lithuanian Embassies’/Consulates’ internet sites. Practical value of the work – prooving that means of international political communication in Lithuania are applied in embassies/consulates internet sites and the huge change in this was seen in XXIst century while developing new strategies. This Master thesis could be usefull for information anc communication specialists, students, professors, as well as for people working in the Ministry of foreign affairs and others representing Lithuania abroad.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009