Abstract [eng] |
The object of a master's work – internal communication in business organisation. By chosing this object as a scientific kowledge activity matter, internal communication means' application in employees motivation system presentation process was analysed in this survey. The purpose of the work is to present the conception, main motivation systems of a business organisation and evaluate internal communication means' application efficiency for emloyees' motivation system presentation. The topicality of the work is related to increasingly rising attention to internal communication. In modern organisations it is thought to be one of the most important mean of management, that helps organisation to seek its purposes. By applying theoretical literature analysis, synthesis and comparison methods it was concluded that organisation is an open economic – social system, that is hardly influenced not only by internal, but also by external surroundings. Organisation's as a social system structure is made of plenty of elements, however the most important are structure and organisation's human resources. The main purpose of human resources managment is to create conditions, that let every employee realize and develop his potential. By seeking this aim, a very important role goes to employees motivation, that occupies a very important place in a human resources administration process. After analysing main motivation systems, accomplishing individual non- stucural expert interview with „Neo Group“ director and after the survey with „Neo Group“ employees it was made an assumption that organisations often apply employees' motivation systems, that consist of material and ethical stimulation and correspond to the biggest part of an effective motivation system conditions : there is a motivating remuneration system also an advantageous work surroundings, there is ensured a sedate package of guarantee, effective communication process and employees' perfection is being stimulated. After evaluating theoretical and empirical material, there is concluded that internal communication part in business organisation's motivation processes is diverse: internal communication helps to find out individual needs of all employees, that are important for creating effective motivation system, via internal communication means information about organisation and various applicable motivation means is being disseminated. Furthermore, internal communication itself works as motivation system, because it helps to create an advantageous surroundings for motivation. The survey, accomplished in the company „Neo Group“ educed that business organisations dedicate big part of attention for an internal communication, however there are many companies that still collide with information dispertion trouble, internal communication for employees motivation system presentation is being used uneffectively. It is determined that employees, that do not trust communication sources, that are used in a company, are often not satisfied with information dispersion, also less loyal and motivated, more often think about changing of a place and feel uncertain about their future comparing with those, who are satisfied with information dispersion. Therefore internal communication means' effectiveness is related to employees motivation and loyalty growth in the organisation, but it is not the only crucial factor. Finally, it was come to conclusion, that business organisation's activity is effective, when organisation has an effective motivation system, which is presented to the employees via internal communication means, when internal communication is effectively used not only for spreading information about organisation, presenting employees' motivation system, but also when it works as a particular motivation mean, which creates favourable motivation atmosphere in the organisation. |