Abstract [eng] |
Currently, the speech technologies develop and improve, increase the number of application areas, but is not widely available in Lithuanian language recognition and speech synthesis programs. Many speech technology products are adapted to the English language. The aim of this work - to examine of possibilities to adapt speech recognition and speech synthesis products for Lithuanian language. To achieve the aim was researching two of the English language programs, „ReadPlease 2003“ and „Dragon Naturally Speaking 10“ the use of Lithuanian language possibilities. The first test of the program „ReadPlease 2003“, established the Lithuanian words perusal clarity is only 35%. The same words were transcriptioned, then clarity of reading became 95%. It can be argued that the Lithuanian words recorded using the phonetic spelling of the English language and presentation of written words for „ReadPlease 2003“ perusal the words of clarity was 60% higher than Lithuanian words recorded using the phonetic spelling of the Lithuanian language. The program „Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10“ was used during the second test. This time was found that the best is to identify long words, at least - short. Most mistakes are made at the two vowels a and i, when its are shortened and extensioned. As well as more errors are made in the words with voiceless consonants than words with voiced consonants. There were calculated a general efficiency of identification of the program, according to the five speakers dictating the results, which is 84,8%. Therefore, it can be argued that dictate the words for the program, can not rely on the blind, however, under the supervision and correcting incorrectly entered words, it can be used as a great writing tool. The work methodology: analysis and synthesis of the literature, empirical test - experimental and comparative analysis. Working volume (not including list of tables and list of pictures, list of abbreviations, bibliography, and annexes) – 51 pages, there is 17 tables and 15 images in the work. |