Title Universiteto inovacinio potencialo formavimo mechanizmas /
Translation of Title Mechanism of shaping innovative potential of a university.
Authors Binkauskas, Gintaras
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Pages 184
Keywords [eng] university ; innovation ; innovation management ; innovative potential ; management of universities
Abstract [eng] University IP was revealed and grounded in terms of resources, processes and values. Essential elements reflecting the IP were determined and justified. Alongside the concepts of service, corporate, entrepreneurial, McUniversity provided by other authors, an exhaustive concept of innovative university is provided. It is based on the holistic approach to elements defining the innovative potential, such as organizational culture which promotes creativity, involved management behaviour which supports innovations, leadership which is clearly targeted to a continuous renewal of the organization, flat and flexible internal structures which are fully equipped with information flows, the motivated and qualified staff which is involved in generating innovations, and controlled principal knowledge and competences of an organization. The mechanism of IP shaping and strengthening is provided and supplemented according to the results of an empiric investigation of Lithuanian universities. The mechanism covers interrelated organizational, information, cultural-social and financial measures. For the first time in Lithuania the innovative activity of universities was analyzed as significant, specific and co-existing with other activities such as studies and fundamental research.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2012