Title |
Judančių objektų stebėsenos ir būklės vertinimo sistemos išvystymas taikant sesijos inicijavimo protokolą / |
Translation of Title |
Development of a system for monitoring of the moving objects by using the session initiation protocol. |
Authors |
Dzindzalieta, Ramūnas |
Full Text |
Pages |
139 |
Keywords [eng] |
Abstract [eng] |
The system architecture has been developed allowing us to combine devices into a single new network using a unified SIP protocol. This Technology Architecture was developed to monitor moving objects while scanning their sensor data. The scanning of SIP protocol messages and initiating sessions among devices supporting the SIP protocol, and development of a SIP adapter for devices that do not support the SIP protocol and do not exist in the IP network. |
Type |
Doctoral thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2013 |