Title Efficiency of state economic policy in the context of integration processes in the European Union /
Translation of Title Valstybės ekonominės politikos efektyvumas integracinių procesų Europos Sąjungoje kontekste.
Authors Banelienė, Rūta
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Pages 60
Keywords [eng] state economic policy ; integration processes in the EU ; employment ; education ; R&D
Abstract [eng] The investigation of state economic policy in the context of integration processes in the EU is becoming more important, particularly as regards ground-taking and preventing possible negative effects for the separate EU countries. It is also clear that there is a lack of adequate theoretical models and solutions for responding to modern challenges, which would allow to evaluate complexly the efficiency of state economic policy of the EU countries in different phases of preparation, grounding, and implementation. Therefore this doctoral dissertation is devoted to the efficiency of state economic policy in the context of integration processes in the EU. The research is focussed on a theoretical study and identification of the factors of efficiency of state economic policy, as well as the identification of potential measures of performance of state economic policy of EU countries in the context of integration processes in the EU; it provides for a macrosimulation model, allowing to evaluate the impact of the identified factors on the efficiency of state economic policy of the EU countries, it also evaluates the impact of the identified factors on the efficiency of state economic policy in selected for research EU countries and offers recommendations regarding the directions of the implementation of state economic policy for increased efficiency of state economic policy of EU countries in the long term perspective.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2013